Depression, Rage & Burnout Workshop

We are talking about the things no one wants to talk about.

The unseen load that pushes so many moms to rage and burnout.  


We know you feel trapped in an endless cycle.  No one listening. Yell. Guilt. Repeat. 

We will give you the tools to break the cycle that feels so exhausting!!


Did you know overstimulation and burnout can come out as rage??

Have you been feeling like your at your breaking point?? 

Do you feel exhausted and overwhelmed before the day has even begun??

Are you feeling like you are LOSING IT ALL THE TIME?!?!

We know you are busy parents. We are here to give you the simple, practical, step by step strategies to help you feel like you are living your life the way YOU want to!


RAGE, DEPRESSION, & BURNOUT LIVE WORKSHOP with Caitlin & Chelsea Registered Psychologists

OCTOBER 26th at 1:00pm MTN/ 3:00pm EST

We know you aren't an angry person. Your a mom who is overstimulated & burned out AF, has SOOO much on her plate, and has moments where you feel like things are never going to change.

That's where we come in and give you the tools and support to go to bed feeling settled and empowered!










Rates of Postpartum Depression and Burnout have skyrocketed in the past couple years. #Momlife is hard. It's Loud. Stimulating. Demanding.

It's been a tough few years for parents in every way possible.  We have heard from our community how much your struggling.

We created this resource with you in mind. We know that when postpartum depression and rage can sneak up on you before you even know it.

But we have the research backed evidence and strategies to help you be the mom you always envisioned being! 

We know you want to be the healthiest version of yourself for your kids.

You will learn:

- How your childhood can influence your present day parenting 

- How to identify and challenge your inner mean girl 

-Evidence based strategies to show you how to calm your nervous system

-Evidence based strategies to get rid of negative thought patterns that hold you down!

- You will walk away with your own plan about WHO to set boundaries with and feel PREPARED to manage frustrating situations in the future

BONUS - You will walk away with practical and realistic self care/self soothing strategies for the busy mom

I am interested

Meet Chelsea and Caitlin, Registered Psychologist and Mom to 4 kids under 5!

Hi! We are so glad you  are here! We are Chelsea and Caitlin, two Registered Psychologist and mama to 4 little ones.

We are here because we have been there, trapped in a cycle of frustration, resentment, and depression.  

We have both had our share of challenges into motherhood, from surviving NICU life for 3 months to birth trauma to debilitating postpartum anxiety.  We created this resource from our personal and clinical experience. 



The Ultimate Guide to Parenting when you're Tired AF

Based on our viral posts "Games to play when you're Tired AF" We go even further and give you 25 games you needed YESTERDAY when you are feeling DONE!!

The Highly Sensitive Parent Guide

Have you wondered if you are a Highly Sensitive Person?

  • We will go over the characteristics and traits and a Highly Sensitive Person
  • We will teach you how to handle the tricky emotions like anger & anxiety
  • We will give you evidence-based strategies for dealing with sensory overload
  • Actionable strategies that will shift how you deal with your environment
Love the Bonuses!!!

We know you are a good MOM who wants the best for her family. And that you feel stuck in this cycle. 

We have been there. 

Whether it's parenting through overstimulation, stress, anxiety, or grief as Caitlin recently experienced, all of these things can lead to depression, burnout and rage.

We feel confident you will leave the workshop feeling empowered about motherhood!